Please consult official sources of states where you are carrying.
The Texas rules you learned DO NOT APPLY if you are carrying in a reciprocal state. Follow the rules for THAT state.
Reciprocal: States that recognize each other's handgun license either by agreement or statute.
Unilateral: One state recognizes another state's valid license to carry a handgun.
Alabama | Reciprocal | Effective August 8, 2006, Governor Perry proclaimed persons with a valid Alabama license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Alabama |
Effective August 1, 2013, Alabama Governor Robert J. Bentley signed Senate Bill 286, Act 2013-283 legislation recognizing handgun permits issued to residents of the issuing state who are 21 years of age, may carry in Alabama. | Alabama Law 13a-11-85-Recognition | |||
Alaska | Reciprocal | Effective September 26, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Commissioner William Tandeske of the Alaska Department of Public Safety proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Alaska. | Agreement | Alaska |
American Samoa | No Agreement | American Samoa | ||
Arizona | Reciprocal | Effective September 7, 1999, Texas Colonel Dudley M. Thomas, Director of the Department of Public Safety, and Arizona's Joe Albo, Director of the Department of Public Safety, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Arizona. | Agreement | Arizona |
Arkansas | Reciprocal | Effective January 27, 1998, Texas Colonel Dudley M. Thomas, Director of the Department of Public Safety, and Arkansas Colonel John R. Bailey, Director of the Department of Public Safety, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Arkansas. | Agreement | Arkansas |
California | Unilateral | Effective November 18, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid California license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | California |
Colorado | Reciprocal | Effective December 29, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry proclaimed persons with a valid Colorado license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas | Proclamation | Colorado |
Effective May 17, 2007, the Governor of Colorado signed Senate Bill 34 recognizing handgun permits issued to residents of the issuing state, who are 21 years of age, may carry in Colorado. | Colorado Law 18-12-213 Recognition | |||
Connecticut | Unilateral | Effective April 29, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Connecticut license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Connecticut |
Delaware | Reciprocal | Effective November 1, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Delaware State Prosecutor Steven P. Wood proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Delaware. | Agreement | Delaware |
District of Columbia | No Agreement | Washington D.C. | ||
Florida | Reciprocal | Effective August 28, 2000, Texas Governor George W. Bush and John M. Russi, Director of the Florida Division of Licensing, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Florida. | Agreement | Florida |
Georgia | Reciprocal | Effective November 22, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Georgia Attorney General Thurbert E. Baker proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Georgia. | Agreement | Georgia |
Guam | No Agreement | Guam | ||
Hawaii | Unilateral | Effective January 13, 2006, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Hawaii license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Hawaii |
Idaho | Reciprocal | Effective August 6, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Lawrence G. Wasden, Attorney General of Idaho, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Idaho. | Agreement | Idaho |
Illinois | Unilateral | Effective April 29, 2016, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Illinois license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Illinois |
Indiana | Reciprocal | Effective November 2, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Indiana license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Indiana |
Indiana Statute IC 35-47-2-21b grants recognition of valid handgun licenses issued by other states as long as holder is not a resident of Indiana, may carry in Indiana. | Indiana Law 35-47-2-21 Recognition | |||
Iowa | Reciprocal | Effective April 14, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Iowa license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Iowa |
Effective January 1, 2011, Iowa Governor Chet Culver signed legislation recognizing valid handgun permits issued to residents of the issuing state who are 21 years of age, may carry in Iowa. | Iowa Law 724.11A Recognition | |||
Kansas | Reciprocal | Effective January 30, 2007, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Kansas license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Kansas |
Effective July 1, 2021, Kansas statutory amendment (K.S.A.) 75-7c03 provides recognition for a person with a valid Texas license to carry a handgun, may carry in Kansas. | Kansas Law 75-7c03 Recognition | |||
Kentucky | Reciprocal | Effective August 17, 2000, Texas Colonel Thomas A. Davis, Jr., Director of the Department of Public Safety, and Kentucky's Ishmon F. Burks, Jr., Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Kentucky. | Agreement | Kentucky |
Louisiana | Reciprocal | Effective October 5, 1998, Texas Governor George W. Bush and W.R."Rut" Whittington, Louisiana Deputy Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, and Corrections, Public Safety Services, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Louisiana. | Agreement | Louisiana |
Maine | No Agreement | Maine | ||
Maryland | Unilateral | Effective November 18, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Maryland license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Maryland |
Massachusetts | Unilateral | Effective November 18, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Massachusetts license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Massachusetts |
Michigan | Reciprocal | Effective September 21, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Michigan. | Agreement | Michigan |
Minnesota | No Agreement | Minnesota | ||
Mississippi | Reciprocal | Effective August 25, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Commissioner Dewitt L. Fortenberry, Mississippi Department of Public Safety, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Mississippi. | Agreement | Mississippi |
Missouri | Reciprocal | Effective September 6, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing person with a valid Missouri license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Missouri |
The Missouri Constitution, Article 1, §23 provides recognition for a person with a valid Texas handgun license, may carry in Missouri. | Missouri Law Article 1, §§23 Recognition | |||
Montana | Reciprocal | Effective November 29, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Montana Attorney General Mike McGrath proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Montana. | Agreement | Montana |
Nebraska | Reciprocal | Effective February 16, 2007, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Nebraska license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Nebraska |
Effective August 30, 2009, Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning authorized recognition of handgun permits issued to residents of the issuing state, who are 21 years of age or older, may carry in Nebraska. | Nebraska Law 69-2448 Recognition | |||
Nevada | Reciprocal | Effective March 24, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Nevada license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Nevada |
Effective October 1, 2015, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed legislation recognizing handgun permits issued to residents of the issuing state, who are 21 years of age (Effective July 1, 2016), may carry in Nevada. | Nevada Law 202.369 Recognition | |||
New Hampshire | No Agreement | New Hampshire | ||
New Jersey | Unilateral | Effective November 18, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid New Jersey license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | New Jersey |
New Mexico | Reciprocal | Effective June 22, 2012, Texas Governor Rick Perry and New Mexico Department of Public Secretary Cabinet Secretary Gorden E. Eden Jr. proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and New Mexico. | Agreement | New Mexico |
New York | Unilateral | Effective January 13, 2006, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid New York license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | New York |
North Carolina | Reciprocal | Effective April 19, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry and North Carolina Special Deputy Attorney General John J. Aldridge III proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and North Carolina. | Agreement | North Carolina |
North Dakota | Reciprocal | Effective February 4, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid North Dakota license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | North Dakota |
North Dakota Century Code (statute) Title 62.1, Section 62.1-04-03.1 provides recognition for a person with a valid Texas license to carry a handgun may carry in North Dakota. | North Dakota §62.1-04-03.1 Recognition | |||
Northern Mariana Islands | No Agreement | North Mariana Islands | ||
Ohio | Reciprocal | Effective April 28, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Ohio. | Agreement | Ohio |
Oklahoma | Reciprocal | Effective October 5, 1998, Texas Colonel Dudley M. Thomas, Director of the Department of Public Safety, and Ron Young, Criminalistic Administrator of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Oklahoma. | Agreement | Oklahoma |
Oregon | No Agreement | Oregon | ||
Pennsylvania | Reciprocal | Effective April 16, 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Pennsylvania Chief Deputy Attorney General Amy M. Elliott proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Pennsylvania. | Agreement | Pennsylvania |
Puerto Rico | No Agreement | Puerto Rico | ||
Rhode Island | Unilateral | Effective January 13, 2006, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Rhode Island license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Rhode Island |
South Carolina | Reciprocal | Effective February 23, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Chief Robert M. Stewart of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and South Carolina. | Agreement | South Carolina |
South Dakota | Reciprocal | Effective September 6, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid South Dakota license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | South Dakota |
The South Dakota Codified Law, Chapter 23-7, 7.4 (23-7-7.4) provides recognition for a person with a valid Texas license to carry a handgun may carry in South Dakota. | South Dakota Law 23-7 Recognition | |||
Tennessee | Reciprocal | Effective August 17, 2000, Texas Governor George W. Bush signed a proclamation recognizing person with a valid Tennessee license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Tennessee |
The Tennessee Code Unannotated, Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13, §51 provides recognition for a person with a valid Texas license to carry a handgun may carry in Tennessee. | Tennessee Law 39-17-1351(r)(3)(A) Recognition | |||
Texas | COME AND TAKE IT | Texas | ||
Utah | Reciprocal | Effective August 30, 2004, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Commissioner Robert L. Flowers of the Utah Department of Public Safety proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Utah. | Agreement | Utah |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No Agreement | U.S. Virgin Islands | ||
Vermont | No Agreement | Vermont | ||
Virginia | Reciprocal | Effective September 7, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Colonel W. Steven Flaherty, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Virginia. | Agreement | Virginia |
Washington | Unilateral | Effective November 18, 2005, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a proclamation recognizing persons with a valid Washington license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas. | Proclamation | Washington |
West Virginia | Reciprocal | Effective February 21, 2012, Texas Governor Rick Perry and West Virginia Attorney General Darrell V. McGraw Jr. proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and West Virginia. | Agreement | West Virginia |
Wisconsin | Unilateral | By statute, the State of Wisconsin recognizes handgun permits issued to residents of the issuing state, who are 21 years of age or older, may carry in Wisconsin. | Wisconsin Law §§165.25(16), 175.60(l)(f) Recognition | Wisconsin |
Wyoming | Reciprocal | Effective June 27, 2002, Texas Colonel Thomas A. Davis, Jr., Director of the Department of Public Safety, and Wyoming's Bryan A. Skoric, Senior Assistant Attorney General, proclaimed persons with a valid license to carry a handgun may carry in Texas and Wyoming. | Agreement | Wyoming |
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